Outside the Lines- Summer 2021

How might we build creative confidence in fifth and sixth graders through a fun summer experience?

Outside The Lines is a three day camp experience designed for fifth and sixth graders. It is  planned and implemented by a team of One Stone students who utilize the design thinking process to create the best experience they can for each student. This process provides a real-world learning opportunity for the older student planners, while ensuring that the camp meets the needs of younger student campers. 

This year students got to experience art both inside and outside One Stone HQ. Campers got the opportunity to go to Boise Art Museum to see all the different exhibits they had on display, as well as go to the park to create art using materials they could find out in nature. Back at One Stone, students learned about how to use different mediums such as creating collages from magazine cut outs, and painting using watercolors.

The final day of camp, participants hung their art all around the building in an art gallery type format to show their friends and family that afternoon. There was also a cookie decorating station that students used to make cookies showing their emotions.

Fast Fact Sheet

Year(s): Summer 2021

Focus: art and creative confidence

Recipients: 5th and 6th graders

Community partner

Number of recipients: 16

Number of One Stone members involved in planning: guides - 18

Number of weeks of planning: 7

How many hours it took to prepare for implementation: 10

How many hours it took to implement: 20